Flutter Speech Recognition

Today we are taking a look at a flutter plugin speech_recognition. Exploring plugins method


Target Audience: Beginner

Plugin: speech_recognition

A flutter plugin to use the speech recognition on iOS and Android

Adding Permission

Android :

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />


Add Info.plist :

  • Privacy — Microphone Usage Description
  • Privacy — Speech Recognition Usage Description
<string>This application needs to access your microphone</string>
<string>This application needs the speech recognition permission</string>

Defining Variables :

_isAvailable : tell the platform is Android or ios is available to interact with it or not

_isListening: tell us whether or not the app is currently listening to the microphone

resultText: in this, we set our final text that comes from our speech

 SpeechRecognition _speechRecognition;
bool _isAvailable = false;
bool _isListening = false;
String resultText = "";

Initialize it

First, we need to initialize some bunch of different callback for the speech recognition object to work everything properly

setAvailabilityHandler: which let us know about availability and here we update our _isAvailable variable.

setRecognitionStartedHandler: It starts executed when we start the speech recognition service. when its start working we set our _isListening true.

setRecognitionResultHandler: This is our main through this callBack we get out text from our speech recognition service. And here we set our resultText

setRecognitionCompleteHandler: It starts executed when we end with our speech recognition service. when its end up we set our _isListening false.

_speechRecognition = SpeechRecognition();

(bool result) => setState(() => _isAvailable = result),

() => setState(() => _isListening = true),

(String speech) => setState(() => resultText = speech),

() => setState(() => _isListening = false),

(result) => setState(() => _isAvailable = result),

Listening Speech Recognition Service

if (_isListening)
(result) => setState(() => _isListening = result),


if (_isListening)
(result) => setState(() => _isListening = result),


if (_isListening)
(result) => setState(() {
_isListening = result;
resultText = "";

Don’t forget to give permission

Link for repository

speech_recognition plugin exploring This project is a starting point for a Flutter application. A few resources to get…github.com

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