Exploring Inheritance and Composition in Dart & Flutter

UI structures actually utilize inheritance as a key tool to stay away from code excess, and the Flutter system is no exemption. All things being equal, when you compose Dart code that isn’t straightforwardly expanding the UI system, it is ideal to keep your inheritance chains shallow and favor piece when it bodes well.
There is a pattern in software development away from the profound, branching class trees mainstream with object-arranged languages. Some accept more current functional ideal models ought to altogether supplant OOP in the software plan. This leaves numerous with the possibility that inheritance is not placed in software development anymore, or that its utilization ought to be rigorously restricted.
In this blog, we will be Exploring Inheritance and Composition in Dart & Flutter. We will take a look at how inheritance and composition patterns will work with dart and flutter in your flutter applications.
Table Of Contents::
What is Inheritance in Flutter?
What is Composition in Flutter?
Use of Composition child pattern in Flutter
What is Inheritance in Flutter?:
Inheritance is the capacity of a class to inherit properties and strategies from a superclass and the’s superclass, etc. It is exemplified in Dart by the @override
metatag. With it, a subclass’s execution of inherited conduct can be particular to be proper to its more explicit subtype. It permits extending out a class to a particular adaptation of that class. As said before all classes acquire from the Object type, just by pronouncing a class, we expand the Object type. Dart permits a single direct legacy and has uncommon help for mixins, which can be utilized to extend class functionalities without direct inheritance, simulating various inheritances, and reusing code.
Mixins are a method of reusing a class code in numerous class hierarchies. To utilize a mixin, utilize the with a keyword followed by at least one mixin name. To indicate that lone particular sorts can utilize the mixin — for the model, so your mixin can summon a strategy that it doesn’t define — use on to determine the necessary superclass.
The Flutter UI structure, all written in open-source Dart, is brimming with instances of inheritance. Indeed, a large number of the standard examples in building Flutter applications depend on these ideas:
class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Container();
This is the most straightforward illustration of a custom widget in Flutter. It utilizes theextends
keyword to demonstrate that the class ought to inherit properties and strategies from StatelessWidget, which itself inherits from the Widget class. This is significant because each Flutter widget has a build()
technique accessible that profits an occurrence of Widget.
Everything in Dart extends Object, so boundaries composed as Object will acknowledge any value. Inheritance is at the actual center of the language. Container extends StatelessWidget which expands Widget, so build()
can return a Container object, and containers can be remembered for List assortments composed as Widget.
class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Column(
children: <Widget>[
Column widgets acknowledge a children
boundary composed as a List of Widget objects. Counting <Widget>
before the rundown exacting shows that you need just widgets in the list. The Dart code analyzer will grumble if a non-widgets is incorporated. Both Container and Column are widgets, so this is substantial code.
Types of Inheritance:
There are four types of Inheritance are:
- > Single Inheritance: In this inheritance when a class inherits a single parent class then this inheritance happens.
- > Multiple Inheritance: In this inheritance when a class inherits more than one parent class then this inheritance happens.
Note: Dart doesn’t support Multiple Inheritance.
- > Multi-Level Inheritance: In this inheritance when a class inherits another child class then this inheritance happens.
- > Hierarchical Inheritance: In this inheritance, more than one class has the same parent class.
Inheritance In Data Models:
Similarly, as Flutter utilizes center OOP standards to show the UI, you can utilize them to display your information. How about we make information develop to hold the substance of a message and another that incorporates an image with the content.
class Message {
String text;
Message({@required this.text});
class ImgMessage extends Message {
String imageUrl;
ImgMessage({@required String text, @required this.imageUrl}) :
super(text: text);
It is anything but a ton of code, however, there’s a great deal going on in this model. To start with, we make a Message class to contain something like a text message. A message isn’t anything without its content, so we ensure passing in the content is required, and we utilize a named boundary for additional lucidity.
The ImgMessage class expands Message, which implies it acquires the text
property. Constructors in Dart are not inherited, so we give ImgMessage its own constructor, and it needs to acknowledge two values named text
and imageUrl
. Since the text is actually important for Message, not ImgMessage, we can’t utilize programmed instatement for it, and we need to indicate its sort (String) so Dart doesn’t acknowledge only any kind of significant worth there.
Following the ImageMessage constructor’s boundary list, we add a colon, after which Dart will expect an initializer list. This is a comma-delimited list of initializers for our objects, regularly used to introduce properties before any constructor body code runs, which is needed with final
properties. Here, we utilize the super
keyword to consider the constructor of the ImageMessage class’ superclass, which is Message. The Message constructor will deal with relegating the content contention to the content example variable.
To elaborate how inheritance can profit us, we’ll need a list of instance messages to work with:
final messages = <Message>[
Message(text: "Message 1"),
Message(text: "Message 2"),
text: "Message 3",
imageUrl: "https://flutter.com/image1.jpg",
Even though composed of a collection of Message objects utilizing Dart generics, messages
will acknowledge any item with the Message class in its parentage.
Presently we can make a widget to show the list of messages, and it will actually want to deal with one or the other kind of message while dismissing or anything:
class MessageList extends StatelessWidget {
final List<Message> messages;
const MessageList({Key key, @required this.messages}) :
super(key: key);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Column(
children: messages.map((Message msg) {
final text = Text(msg.text);
if (msg is
ImgMessage) {
return Row(
children: <Widget>[
return text;
MessageList acknowledges a List of Message objects through its constructor, at that point utilizes those to make UI components. Like all Flutter widgets, this one incorporates an overridden build()
a strategy that the structure calls during the suitable point in the widget’s lifecycle.
A Column widget shows its children consecutively in an upward section. Every child should be a widget. We utilize the List class’map()
technique to create this widget. The map() technique loops through every component of messages, passing each to an unknown function gave as its lone contention. The mysterious function first forms a Text widget, because each message needs that. On the off chance that the current Message object is really an occurrence of ImgMessage, we return a Row that incorporates both the picture and the text widget. Else, we basically return the text widget.
What is Composition in Flutter?:
Inheritance expands a class’s conduct through a class progression, with properties and techniques that went down through the generations. Composition is a more measured methodology wherein a class contains occasions of different classes that carry their own abilities with them. Composition is a way to combine simple objects to create complex ones. For instance, when making a computer you put together a motherboard, CPU, GPU, RAM, and a hard drive. This is composition. In Composition, on the other hand, a class contains instances of other classes which bring their own properties and behavior to the containing class. The composition brings flexibility in building Flutter UI. You put together any number of widgets to achieve any desired UI in your app.
Composition is utilized widely in Flutter’s UI system. If you somehow happened to inspect the code for Flutter’s Container widget, you’d think that it’s made out of numerous different widgets, the specific idea of which relies upon the arguments passed to the Container during launch. We should look again at the MyWidget class from prior:
class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Column(
children: <Widget>[
An example of MyWidget is a StatelessWidget, however, one might say, it is made out of a Column, two Container widgets, and a Column. Through structure, we characterize what a MyWidget is. Many Flutter widgets, custom, and center are flimsy coverings around a lot of child widgets. This allows a great deal of flexibility and power when constructing an app’s UI.
Use of Composition child pattern in Flutter:
When building Flutter applications, you’ll regularly experience widgets that take a child an argument. Thusly, widgets are composable. Envision a button widget that acknowledges just a string label. To make the catch’s label adaptable, it would have to acknowledge countless different arguments permitting you to set properties like color, size, and so on, and it could always be unable to deal with everything.
In Flutter, button widgets acknowledge any Widget object as a child. Frequently, it’s a content child, yet it very well may be anything, and the catch doesn’t have to reimplement all the customization choices effectively accessible in Text or different widgets. Through composition, Flutter lets you easily create almost any UI you can imagine. When creating your own widgets, you should keep this pattern in mind.
An instance button instantiation utilizing the child pattern:
child: Text(
style: TextStyle(
color: Colors.red,
fontSize: 15,
Here, we’ve passed an occurrence of the Text widget with a custom style to go about as a label for the FlatButton widget, yet in principle, we might have utilized any widget, even one through our own effort. The child here could be a graph, a map, a symbol, or a picture, to give some examples prospects, as the FlatButton will oblige any widget whatsoever.
Composition In Data Models:
Now and again it bodes well to utilize arrangement rather than inheritance in your information models. For instance, consider a game application where a player should obliterate a progression of vicecity demo. In the first place, you may proclaim a couple of demos for various game types:
class ViceCityDemo {
final int health;
class GtaCityDemo extends ViceCityDemo {
final int gun;
GtaCityDemo({int health, this.gun}) :
super(health: health);
class GameCityDemo extends GtaCityDemo {
final String name;
GameCityDemo({int health, int gun, this.name}) :
super(health: health, gun: gun);
For the demo, inheritance is the most ideal alternative, because each game requirements the health
property, and more particular games have extra properties. Each particular demo is a ViceCityDemo since they all have that class in their parentage. We could make a collection of these layouts someplace, which we could helpfully type as ViceCityDemo, and it could hold any of our demo occurrences. Note that for brevity, I’ve not included the @required
metatag on any parameters, but you certainly should where appropriate.
The demos incorporate just final
properties, which implies the properties can’t be adjusted once introduced; fitting for demos. Changeless information models like this are a best practice, yet now we need an approach to adjust a game’s health over the span of a game.
class LiveGame {
final ViceCityDemo demo;
int currentHealth;
LiveGame(this.demo) {
currentHealth = demo.health;
This class doesn’t extend another. A live game isn’t a demo, so it would be illogical for it to slip from any of the demo classes. Live games need to realize which demo they’re founded on, and they shouldn’t have the option to change a demo’s properties. The changeable property currentHealth
is instated from a demo’s health value, and it tends to be altered later to represent wounds since it’s anything but a final
property. With this pattern, it’s possible to build any number of LiveGame instances, and each can be built using any of the templates. A live game is composed of a template and a current health value.
Inheritance connections are regularly depicted as is-a connections; a GtaCityDemo is a ViceCityDemo. Composition connections are has-a connections; a LiveGame has a ViceCityDemo. Use all of these concepts when constructing your own classes, remembering that each is best for different situations.
In the article, I have explained the basic structure of the Inheritance and Composition in Dart & Flutter; you can modify this code according to your choice. This was a small introduction to Inheritance and Composition in Dart & Flutter On User Interaction from my side, and it’s working using Flutter.
I hope this blog will provide you with sufficient information on Trying up the Inheritance and Composition in Dart & Flutter in your flutter projects. We will show you what Inheritance and Composition in Dart and Flutter is?. You have just learned how inheritance and composition patterns will work with dart and flutter in your flutter applications. So please try it.
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