Explore Immutable Data Structures In Dart & Flutter

In object-oriented and functional programming, an immutable object is an object whose state can’t be adjusted after it is made. This is as opposed to a mutable object, which can be adjusted after it is made. Instances of Java values that are changeless are numbers and strings. Java values that are mutable include objects, arrays, functions, classes, sets, and maps.
In this article, we will Explore Immutable Data Structures In Dart & Flutter. We will take a look at how immutable data structures will work with dart and flutter in your flutter applications.
Table Of Contents::
Creating Immutable Data Classes
Complex Objects in Immutable Classes

Immutable Data in Dart:
Immutable data builds are those that can’t be changed after they’ve been introduced. The Dart language is loaded with these. Once made, strings, numbers, and boolean values can’t be mutated. A string variable doesn’t contain string data, itself. Non-final string factors can be reassigned, which directs them toward new string data, yet once made, string data itself doesn’t change substance or length.
var str = "This is a Flutter Devs.";
str = "This is a Aeologic Technologies.";
This code pronounces a string variable called str.
The data is set in memory, at that point, a reference to its area is put away in the variable str. The subsequent line makes an all-new string and relegates a reference to its memory area to a similar variable, overwriting the reference to the primary string. The first string isn’t changed; however, on the off chance that there could be no substance in your code at this point, it is set apart as inaccessible, and its memory will ultimately be liberated by Dart’s garbage collector.
Final Variables vs Constants:
The differentiation between Dart’s final
and const
a word can be fluffy for beginners. While making your own immutable data, it’s imperative to see how they’re unique and where to utilize each.
The final permits just a solitary task. It should have an initializer, and whenever it has been instated with a value, the variable can’t be reassigned
final str = "This is a Flutter Devs.";
str = "This is a Aeologic Technologies."; // error
Dart won’t permit you to change the value of the final factor str
. The final variable may depend on runtime execution of code to decide its state, yet it should happen during initialization.
Constants in Dart are compile-time constants. The const
word adjusts values. A constant whole deep state should be definite at compile time.
Dart constants share three fundamental properties:
- > Constant values are profoundly, transitively immutable. On the off chance that you need to make a steady collection (list, map, and so forth), every component should likewise be constant, recursively.
- > Constant values must be made from data accessible at compile time. For example,
can’t be constant, because it depends on data just accessible at runtime to make itself. - > Constants are canonicalized. A solitary item is made in memory for some random consistent value regardless of how frequently the steady articulation is assessed.
A few constant instance are :
const str = "This is a Flutter Devs.";
const SizedBox(width: 5); // a constant object
const [1, 2, 3]; // a constant collection
1 + 2; // a constant expression
The str
constant is allocated a string exacting, which are consistently compile-time constants. The SizedBox example made here can be constant and immutable because Dart can set it up before executing the program since the entirety of the properties of SizedBox are final inside and we’re passing an exacting contention(5
). The articulation 1 + 2
can be determined by the Dart compiler before executing the code, so it likewise qualifies as steady.
List<int> get list => [1, 2, 3];
List<int> get constList => const [1, 2, 3];
var a = list;
var b = list;
var c = constList;
var d = constList;
print(a == b); // false
print(c == d); // true
Even though a, b, c, and d each reference a list with indistinguishable substance, just the constant variants analyze as true
. Dart is contrasting the memory address of the list, not the values of the components. Each call to the constList
getter returns a reference to a steady list, yet recall that Dart just places the list into memory once.
Immutable Data in Flutter:
There are where a Flutter application can utilize immutable constructions to improve readability or execution. Bunches of structure classes have been composed to permit them to be built in an immutable structure. Two normal examples are SizedBox and Text.
children: <Widget>[
const Text("Flutter Devs"),
const SizedBox(width: 10),
const Text("Flutter Devs"),
const SizedBox(width: 10),
const Text("Its a software company?"),
This Row has been developed with five children. At the point when we utilize the const
keyword to make cases of classes that have const constructors, the values are made at compile time and every special value is put away in memory only a single time. The initial two Text examples will make plans to references to a similar object in memory, as will the two SizedBox instances. If we somehow happened to add const SizedBox(width:20), a different constant example would be made for that new value.
Let’s look at another instance:
final size = 15.0;
const Text(
"Flutter Devs",
style: TextStyle(
fontSize: size, // error
This code snippet has lots occurring. we’re trying to create a constant example of text content, but understand that a legitimate consistent is regular all the way down. The string literal "Flutter Devs"
works best. Dart will attempt to create the TextStyle as a steady, TextStyle can not be regular here due to its reliance on the variable size, which would not have a value until runtime. To restoration, this, changing final
to const
within the declaration of size might additionally do the trick.
Creating Immutable Data Classes:
Creating a simple immutable class magnificence may be as easy as using very final properties and adding const to the constructor.
class Student {
final int rollNum;
final String name;
const Student(this.rollNum, this.name);
The Student class has two properties, each declared final, and these are initialized routinely with the aid of the constructor. The constructor makes use of the const key-word to inform Dart it’s okay to instantiate this elegance as a compile-time regular.
const std1 =
Student(1, "Sam");
var std2 = const(1, "Sam");
final std3 = const(1, "Sam");
The Simplest one constant instance of the Student is created right here, and each variable is assigned a reference to it. For std1, we don’t need to include the const keyword with the constructor, because its need is at once implied with the aid of our use of it on the variable, even though you could consist of it if you desire. The std2 variable is a normal variable with a sort of Student, however, we’ve assigned it a reference to an immutable, consistent object. The variable std3 is equal to std2 except that it can by no means be assigned a new reference. No matter wherein you pass these references, you may continually ensure that when tested, the object’s rollNum
maybe 1 and the call can be “Sam”, and you’ll always be analyzing the identical values in reminiscence.
Using Metatag Helper:
You could use the @immutable
metatag from the meta package to get useful analyzer warnings on classes you ought to be immutable.
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
class Student {
int rollNum; // not final
final String name;
Student(this.id, this.name);
The metatag does now not make your elegance immutable, however, in this case, you’ll get a caution declaring that one or greater of your fields aren’t final
. In case you attempt to add the const keyword to your constructor at the same time as there are mutable properties, you’ll get an error that tells you essentially the same aspect.
Complex Objects in Immutable Classes:
What if a student’s name was represented by an object more complex than a string? As an instance:
class StudentName {
String first;
String middle;
String last;
StudentName(this.first, this.middle, this.last);
So Student would now look like this:
final int rollNum;
final StudentName name;
Student(this.rollNum, this.name);
Generally, the Student works very much as it did previously, with one key contrast. Since we haven’t characterized StudentName as an immutable class, its properties will be liable to change after initialization.
var std =
StudentName('John', 'Eben', 'Thomas'));
std.name =
StudentName('Jane', 'C', 'Disuza'); // blocked
std.name.last = 'Disuza'; // allowed
The name
property of Student is final, so Dart keeps it from being reassigned. The properties of StudentName are not ensured similarly, notwithstanding, so changing that information is permitted.
Immutable Collections:
Collections present another challenge to immutability. Indeed, even with a final
reference to a List or Map, the components inside those assortments may, in any case, be variable. Likewise, lists and maps in Dart are mutable complex objects themselves, so it can, in any case, be feasible to add, eliminate, or reorder their components.
Consider a simple instance using message data:
class Message {
final int id;
final String text;
const Message(this.id, this.text);
class MessageThread {
final List<Message> messages;
const MessageThread(this.messages);
With this arrangement, the information is genuinely protected. Each message made is changeless, and it’s unrealistic to supplant the list of messages inside MessageThread whenever it’s been initialized.
final thread = MessageThread([
Message(1, "Message 1"),
Message(2, "Message 2"),
thread.messages.first.id = 10; // blocked
thread.messages.add(Message(3, "Message 3")); // This works!
=> Return Copy of the Collection
If you wouldn’t fret the calling code accepting an alterable duplicate of the collection, you can utilize a Dart getter to return a duplicate of the expert list at whatever point it’s gotten to from outside the class.
class MessageThread {
final List<Message> _messages;
List<Message> get messages => _messages.toList();
const MessageThread(this._messages);
thread.messages.add(Message(3, "Message 3")); // new list
With this MessageThread class, the genuine message list is private. A getter named messages
is characterized that profits a duplicate of the _messages
list. When outside code calls the list’s add()
technique, it is doing as such on a different duplicate of the list, so the first isn’t altered.
In the first place, with extremely enormous records or regular access, this could begin to burden execution. A shallow duplicate of the list is made each time messages
is gotten to. Second, it tends to be mistaken for users of the class, as it might look to them like they’re permitted to adjust the original list.
=> Return Unmodifiable Collection or View
Any other manner to save you changes on your collections within a data class is to use a getter to return an unmodifiable version or unmodifiable view.
class MessageThread {
final List<Message> _messages;
List<Message> get messages => List.unmodifiable(_messages);
const MessageThread(this._messages);
thread.messages.add(Message(3, "Message 3")); // exception!
This methodology is basically the same as the recently examined approach. A duplicate of the list is as yet being made, however, now the duplicate we’re returning is unmodifiable. We utilize a factory
constructor characterized on Dart’s List class to make the new list. Presently, when the user endeavors to add another message to their duplicate list, a special case is tossed at runtime, and the change is prevented.
import 'dart:collection';
class MessageThread {
final List<Message> _messages;
UnmodifiableListView<Message> get messages =>
const MessageThread(this._messages);
thread.messages.add(Message(3, "Message 3")); // exception!
Doing it this way may play out somewhat better because an UnmodifiableListView doesn’t duplicate the original list. All things considered, it envelops the first by a view that forestalls change.
=> Truly Immutable Collections
You can have noticed that each one of our hints for returning immutable versions of collections with getters nonetheless leaves the original collections technically mutable. Code inside the library can manage the structure of the private _messages list.
One approach to accomplish this is to make our unmodifiable version or view as the MessageThread object is developing
class MessageThread {
final List<Message> messages;
const MessageThread._internal(this.messages);
factory MessageThread(List<Message> messages) {
return MessageThread._internal(List.unmodifiable(messages));
The principal thing we need to do is conceal the steady constructor from code outside the library. We change it into a named constructor with a highlight prefix, which makes it private. The MessageThread._internal() a constructor does precisely the same occupation our old default constructor did, however, it must be gotten to by inner code.
We make the default, public constructor a processing factory
constructor. factories
work a great deal like static
strategies, in that they should expressly return an occurrence of the class as opposed to doing so naturally as normal constructors do.
final thread = MessageThread([
Message(1, "Message 1"),
Message(2, "Message 2"),
This actually works, and nobody can tell that they’re calling an industrial facility constructor rather than an ordinary one. By chance, this method resembles the one utilized for the Singleton configuration design in Dart.
Updating Immutable Data:
Whenever you have all your application state securely concealed in permanent constructions, you may be thinking about how it tends to be refreshed. Singular occasions of your classes shouldn’t be alterable, however, the state surely needs to change. As could be, there are a couple of various methodologies, and we’ll investigate some of them here.
State Update Functions:
Quite possibly the most well-known method of updating immutable states is utilizing some sort of state update work. In Redux, this can be a reducer, and there are comparative builds when utilizing the BLoC design for state management.
Beginning with the least complex student, we should take a gander at a couple of conceivable state update capacities for the immutable Student class presented before.
Note that these functions are not part of the Student class:
final int rollNum;
final String name;
Student(this.rollNum, this.name);
StudentoldState, int rollNum) {
return(rollNum, oldState.name);
StudentoldState, String name) {
return(oldState.id, name);
This example is simple, and it works really hard of ensuring just upheld refreshes are finished. Essentially, each capacity takes a reference to the past student state, at that point it utilizes that and new information to build an all-new case, returning it to the caller.
State Update Class Methods:
You can utilize class strategies rather than discrete, high-level functions on the off chance that you like to keep all that identified with state control with the state code.
final int rollNum;
final String name;
Student(this.rollNum, this.name);
updateRollNum(int rollNum) {
return(rollNum, name);
StudentupdateName(String name) {
return(rollNum, name);
With this methodology, you can be less verbose in your naming, since unmistakably each update strategy has a place with the Student class. Without great code shading, it might look like both update strategies have indistinguishable code, however, updateRollNum()
is making another case of Student with the approaching rollNum
contention and the old name
. The updateName() a strategy is doing the inverse.
Copy Methods:
A typical strategy utilized in Dart and Flutter projects with immutable information is adding a copyWith()
technique to a class.
final int rollNum;
final String name;
Student(this.rollNum, this.name);
StudentcopyWith({int rollNum, String name}) {
rollNum ?? this.rollNum,
name ?? this.name,
The copyWith() technique ought to as a rule utilize named discretionary boundaries without defaults. The return
proclamation utilizes Dart’s if invalid operator, ??
to decide if the duplicate of student ought to get another incentive for every property or keep the current state’s value. On the off chance that it’s missing or unequivocally set to invalid, this.rollNum
will be utilized all things being equal.
final std1 = Student(1, "Jake");
final std2 = std1.copyWith(rollNum: 2);
final std3 = std1.copyWith(name: "Jerry");
final std4 = std1.copyWith(rollNum: 2, name: "Jerry");
When this code executes, thestd2
variable will reference a duplicate of std1 with a refreshed rollNum
value yet the name will be unaltered. The std3 duplicate will have another name and the original RollNum. With this Student class, the std4 duplicate activity is indistinguishable from making another object altogether, as it replaces each value.
StudentoldState, int rollNum) {
return oldState.copyWith(rollNum: rollNum);
StudentoldState, String name) {
return oldState.copyWith(name: name);
You may even consider the utilization of state update works here to be needless excess, as they’re currently such slim coverings around the call to copyWith()
Updating Collections:
The structure you use to refresh immutable collections depends both on how you’re setting up your collections and the amount of an immutability perfectionist you are.
class NumberList {
final List<int> _numbers;
List<int> get numbers => List.unmodifiable(_numbers);
This class actually has an mutable list, yet just uncovered an unmodifiable duplicate to the rest of the world. To refresh this list with a state update function
NumberList addNumber(NumberList oldState, int number) {
final list = oldState.numbers.toList();
return NumberList(list..add(number));
This methodology isn’t very effective. The articulation oldState.numbers convey us a duplicate of the oldState
list, however, it’s unmodifiable, so we need to utilize toList() to make one more duplicate, this one changeable.
class NumberList {
final List<int> _numbers;
List<int> get numbers => List.unmodifiable(_numbers);
NumberList add(int number) {
return NumberList(_numbers..add(number));
There are decent things about this technique. It’s less verbose and requires less code. One nuance to know about is that we’re mutating and reusing _numbers.
In the article, I have explained the basic structure of the Immutable Data Structures In Dart & Flutter; you can modify this code according to your choice. This was a small introduction to Immutable Data Structures In Dart & Flutter On User Interaction from my side, and it’s working using Flutter.
I hope this blog will provide you with sufficient information on Trying up the Immutable Data Structures In Dart & Flutter in your flutter projects. We will show you what Immutable Data in Dart and Flutter is?. There are numerous methods of taking care of object and collection immutability, and now you ought to be comfortable with a portion of the manners in which the Dart aces approach keeping even complex data from startlingly mutating. So please try it.
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