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How Flutter Makes It Easier For Startups To Develop and Launch Apps

Running a Start-up and managing an established organization are two very different things. An established company is always looking forward to increasing the business profit every year whereas start-ups still struggle to make one. On the other hand, already established businesses have invested a serious amount of time understanding their business requirements whereas startups might still be figuring out their market position.

This discussion can go on and on for hours but the entire point is that it’s very clear that the requirements of a startup are completely different from a well-established business.

The same applies to the development of Products. For an entrepreneur, to make their startup a revenue-making platform, they must have a Product ready for them to market. And the challenges don’t stop here. Running a startup comes with a lot of limitations, be it time, money, or resources. All these limitations make the startup owners build their product in a way that it has the quickest time-to-market and without compromising on its stability and quality. This further means that they’re working on a tight deadline and limited resources.

Just like any other type of product, a product for a mobility-based business is a highly functional cross-platform mobile application that is immune to scenarios like these. For building an application like that, you need a robust, time-efficient, cross-platform development tool. That is where Flutter fits perfectly in the picture.

Flutter is the most suitable tool for any startup out there. Flutter makes it easier for a startup to develop and launch an app. If you are still unsure of it, let me make it easier for you by dissecting some of its benefits and features.

In this small article, we will focus on how Flutter is the most startup-friendly and why you should choose it for developing your project.

Let us first have a quick understanding of what Flutter exactly is.

What is Flutter?

Flutter is an open-source software development kit that allows you to make mobile apps for multiple platforms at once. We can make mobile apps for Android, iOS, for computers like Linux, Mac, Windows, and even hybrid web apps.

Flutter was launched in 2018 and uses Dart programming language.

Reasons Why Startups Should Prefer Flutter

If you have an eye for details and perfection, you would have already comprehended Flutter’s advantages to your startup. But these are not the only reasons why Flutter is a crowd favorite. Here are some more reasons to chose Flutter over anything else.

Native Like Experience for your Cross-Platform Application

It has been the dream or let’s say a secret wish for a developer to recreate the native app experience in the cross-platform applications. Doesn’t matter how hard we tried, used the most advanced tools, it just simply could not offer the native-like experience ever.

But, that’s where Flutter jumps right in. With its native UI elements, Flutter served the entire developer community with something that they’ve been craving for years now. That’s where Flutter surprisingly made a difference with their innovation. It offered a native experience for two apps for two major platforms by writing the code just once.

: A Robust UI

The User Interface that Flutter offers is the best that is currently available. All thanks to Material Design, Flutter not only offers seamless and smooth UI but also a design that takes minimal to zero learning curve to get used to the app. Flutter has a huge range of customized widgets for both iOS and Android platforms that suits all user requirements.

: Improves Developer Productivity

The productivity of a developer is what a startup requires the most. The developer’s productivity directly affects the time efficiency. Flutter paves the way for optimized productivity among developers. All thanks to it’s Hot Reload Feature.

In simple words, the Hot Reload allows the developer to see the changes to the code instantly in real-time. Instead of recompiling the code to see the reflection of the changes, Flutter offers instantaneous visibility. It ends up saving a lot of development time.

: Lowest Development Cost

For any startup, profit comes later in the journey but managing the investment is always a concern. And when developing the product for the business, any entrepreneur would want to save as much as they can to develop the product without compromising on the quality and diversity of the product.

Flutter reduces the development cost at many steps in the process. Considering the above point, from writing one code for two different applications to reduced time in quality assurance to have tested only one app, there is a lot of time saved. And the time saved is the cost saved on all the resources.

: Faster MVP Development

The Minimum Viable Products helps to build a simpler and functional version of the entire concept. It is basically a bleak version of the intended product, developed to identify the business and economic viability. In the creation of a Startup MVP, the least amount of resources – capital and labor are to be placed.

MVP implementation needs to happen at a rapid pace in the startup world. At the same time, the MVP has to be made presentable. Keeping all these standards in mind, Flutter offers many advantages to create a perfect MVP for the business.

: Non-Stop Improvements

Flutter provides a highly versatile framework for your software needs. It has a bunch of customized widgets and UI that resembles the Native platforms. You can make a simple version of the app and can make changes into the app throughout the process that matched your design needs.

: Super Active Community

There is one thing that will never be hard to find when building an app in Flutter, that is Support. The Flutter community is super-active and is always involved with contributors from inside and outside of Google. From meetups to find the next event near you to Q&A participation on Stack Overflow, Slack, Twitter, and many other online media.

Closing Thoughts

The above reasons should be enough for an app-based tech startup to decide why Flutter is suitable for their needs. What’s more, Flutter is being used by some of the technology giants like Google, Alibaba, Tencent, and many more. So you need not worry about the reliability and security issues.

But if all of this sounds too technical and difficult, you can always prefer a Flutter app development company like us. We are the pioneers of the Flutter app development community. Standing proud at 21 Rank in the world awarded by GitHub.

Flutter — Paving Paths For A Way To The Future

Flutter has become a really powerful framework and can’t be ignored anymore. Even if you are a professional native Android or iOS developer, you should definitely try out Flutter to understand it’s true power. Seeing all this one thing is assured that Flutter has great potential in the coming time that will be further enriched and the difference it can bring in the table by giving a boost to your workflow and business growth as a lot of time can be saved that will contribute to developing and perfecting your app. With Flutter, the possibilities are practically endless, so even super extensive apps can be created with ease.

At FlutterDevs, We have been working on the Flutter since its Alpha version which has definitely given us an edge over the others as we’ve been fondling with flutter from the very beginning. We have adopted a design first attitude which has always led to delivering the highest quality mobile applications. FlutterDevs believes in giving back to the tech community that’s why we have been adding:

  • 90+ Open Source Contribution on GitHub
  • 100 + Technical Blogs on Medium
  • Brainstorming every day with a strong 16k+ LinkedIn Followers
  • Regular meetups around the cities to learn and grow as a community.
  • FlutterDevs Startup Incubator Programme is a platform being Initiated by FlutterDevs to avail a platform for newly emerging startups keeping in mind the factors needed for the proper functioning of a young emerging Business availing all the facilities under a single roof.

Get more Insights about the program:-

FlutterDevs at a Glance!

To strengthen you across various dimensions. Here is a showcase describing our flutter journey so far:

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FlutterDevs team of Flutter developers to build high-quality and functionally-rich apps. Hire flutter developer for your cross-platform Flutter mobile app project on an hourly or full-time basis as per your requirement! You can connect with us on Facebook, GitHub, Twitter, and linkedIn for any flutter related queries.

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