What’s New in Flutter 1.12?

As we all know Flutter has come up with new announcements in Flutter Interact which was recently held on Dec 11, 2019. Generally, developers eagerly wait for new announcements that Google Flutter is going to make and then observe and work with them, this time also Google Flutter wanted to make it a big release and for that, they prepared for it. In this release according to flutter they have merged 1905 pull requests from 188 contributors including Google and non-Google contributors.
Since its first release from Flutter 1.0 to Flutter 1.12, it’s 5 stable versions have been released and the flutter team always improved its shortcomings and in Flutter 1.12 they have come up with few new concepts and were focused on the concept of Ambient Computing.
Before we review announcements of Flutter 1.12 let’s take the overview of Ambient Computing.
Ambient Computing: When developers start developing an app they always find themselves in the dilemma that which gadget they need to aim while they are developing an app.
Actually, the fact is we daily use different internet-connected devices with the same purposes so the Flutter development team has decided to create a milieu that makes users use all services across all the devices now they have come with the concept of “ Write Once, Read Everywhere” and this is the ambient computing.
Announcements in Flutter 1.12
- Release of Dart 2.7
- Beta web support
- macOS Desktop support
- ios 13 Dark Mode
- Add-to-app
- Updated Dart Pad
- Adobe XD to Flutter plugin
- New Google font Packages
- Multi-device Debugging
Release of Dart 2.7
In all the flamboyant announcements this is the most awaited release because it is addressing one important problem which will help to handle and prevent errors when variable get a zero value and parse an integer. This string handling ability makes it the richest among all.
Beta web Support
Flutter for Web has been an astonishing release among the developer community and now the Flutter development team has added another feather in the cap by shifting it into beta version and by making it easier to apply Dart Compiler and Flutter architecture efficiently.
macOS Desktop Support
In this segment, developers will able to use release mode to develop a fully optimized macOS application with the help of Flutter
Desktop app support got rich with various new updates like menu dropdown keyboard navigation, visual density assistance, checkboxes, radio buttons and many more.
Linux and Windows support is also in the up-gradation Stage and soon will be upgraded.
iOS 13 Dark Mode
Flutter 1.12 also described the addition of complete dark mode in iOS13, previously flutter also provided support for auto toggling to dark mode on
Android 10, all the iOS-like widgets, named Cupertino are available in dark mode. they can automatically be enabled by turning the dark mode on.

Another Feature of Flutter 1.12 is it makes developers enable to add flutter in the current Android and iOS app, Migration of an app in flutter is possible once, instead of creating it from the beginning.
Here in this video of Flutter dev, you can get an idea of doing it easily.

Updated DartPad
In updated DartPad not only the entire code can be edited but also can be assessed the rendered UI and running the flutter code efficiently.
Adobe XD to Flutter Plugin
Now flutter has come up with a new collaboration with Adobe XD and XD is accessible for flutter plugins. Actually flutter is trying hard to make developers work easy and this is the kind of effort where the latest XD in Flutter changes the XD designs automatically into code and makes it usable part of flutter development.
New Google Fonts Package
Flutter added this improvement in order to beautify user experience by adding 1000s open-source font families.
It helps to designers to add different typography while developing within a few code lines.
Multi-device Debugging
As a developer, we always develop and debug our flutter UI and when we want to debug it on different devices we need to debug it separately for the individual device but now flutter has come with the solution for this by adding multi-device debugging.
These were the important new features every developer should go with.
What is really needed to make it more efficient and compete with others
Flutter is trying hard to take the lead over the debate on Flutter
Vs React native and this is a gamechanger effort that is surely going to get a lead. After all these announcements if we are still missing something which is pushing of codes of the designed apps directly.
Hope Flutter team will surely work on it and in upcoming announcements, we might see some new features in all segments.
Thanks for reading this article, if you find something you better know Please let me know, I will welcome it with full gratitude.
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