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Cupertino Switch in Flutter

When ios introduced switch-type buttons it became intensively popular among users as well as developers.

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Flutter 2.10 — What’s New In Flutter

For a few years, Google has been developing Flutter and aspires to create the cross-platform

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Theme Switching with Bloc and RxDart In Flutter

Themes, are a topic people often talk about while making apps the most commonly used

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Automation Testing In Flutter

Mobile phones and mobile applications — both are booming in this present reality. Having the force of

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Implement GraphQL with Flutter

GraphQL is a query language, which is used for API. It allows the client to

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The Role of QA in Agile Using Flutter

What exactly is the role of QA in agile?: What can a tester do to help

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Form Validation with Stream BloC and RxDart

In this article, we will explore the Form Validation with Stream BloC and RxDart. We

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Exploration Of Unit Testing In Flutter

In this article, we will explore the Unit Testing in Flutter. How unit testing works,

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CupertinoPageTransition In Flutter

Whenever you will code for building anything in Flutter, it will be inside a widget.

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Flutter App for Web

Hello everyone! This is my first project on Flutter Web. Today we learn about how

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