Singletons In Flutter

In object-oriented programming, a singleton class is a class that can have just a single item (an occurrence of the class) at a time. After the initial occasion when we attempt to start up the Singleton class, the new variable likewise focuses on the primary instance made. So anything changes we do to any variable inside the class through any instance influences the variable of the single instance made and is apparent assuming we access that variable through any variable of that class type characterized.
In this blog, we will explore the Singletons In Flutter. We will see how to implement a demo program and we are going to learn about how we can to use it in your flutter applications.
Table Of Contents::
How To Implement a Singleton In Dart:

What Is a Singleton?
Singleton is a creational design pattern that guarantees that a class has just a single instance and gives a global point of access to it. Now and then a class must have precisely one instance, or you could compel your application into a weird state.
In other words, the singleton design is a software design pattern that limits the instantiation of a class to one “single” instance.
The singleton pattern tackles issues by permitting it to:
- > Ensure that a class only has one instance
- > Easily access the sole instance of a class
- > Control its instantiation
- > Restrict the number of instances
- > Access a global variable
Singleton is viewed as one of the most straightforward plan designs yet it is additionally a simple one to misunderstand if you don’t watch out. A few classes must have precisely one instance. Even though there can be numerous printers in a framework, there ought to be just a single printer spooler. There ought to be just a single file system and one window manager.
How To Implement a Singleton In Dart:
By making the constructor private, we guarantee that the class can’t be started up external the file where it is characterized. What’s more, thus, the best way to get to it is to call SingletonDemo.instance in our code.
class SingletonDemo {
/// private constructor
/// the one and only instance of this singleton
static final instance = SingletonDemo._();
At times, it’s desirable over-utilize a static getter variable.
Singleton Examples In Flutter:
Assuming that you utilized Firebase previously, you’ll know all about this code, that can be utilized to sign in when a button is squeezed:
// access FirebaseAuth as a singleton and call one of its methods
onPressed: () => FirebaseAuth.instance.signInAnonymously(),
child: Text('Sign In'),
The singleton design is utilized by all the Firebase plugins. Also, the best way to call their techniques is with the instance getter:
If the official Firebase modules are carried out as singletons, certainly planning your classes similarly, right is alright?
> One Instance Only:
You see, these classes were planned as singletons to keep you from making more than one instance in your code:
final auth1 = FirebaseAuth();
final auth2 = FirebaseAuth();
The code above will not compile. What’s more, it shouldn’t, on the grounds that you have just a single authentication service, going about as a solitary source of truth:
final auth1 = FirebaseAuth.instance;
final auth2 = FirebaseAuth.instance;
This is an exceptionally honorable objective, and singletons are much of the time a sensible answer for a library or package plan. In any case, while composing application code, we ought to be extremely cautious about how we use them, as they can prompt numerous issues in our codebase.
Flutter applications have profoundly nested widget trees. Subsequently, singletons make it simple to get to the objects we want, from any widget. However, singletons have numerous drawbacks and there are better choices that are still simple to utilize.
Singleton Drawbacks:
To all the more likely to comprehend the reason why singletons are hazardous, here’s a list of normal drawbacks, alongside potential solutions.
> Singletons are hard to test:
Utilizing singletons makes your code hard to test. Think about this model:
class FirebaseAuthRepository {
Future<void> signOut() => FirebaseAuth.instance.signOut();
In this case, it’s impossible to write a test to check that FirebaseAuth.instance.signOut()
is called:
test('calls signOut', () async {
final authRepository = FirebaseAuthRepository();
await authRepository.signOut();
A basic arrangement is to inject FirebaseAuth as a dependency, similar to this:
class FirebaseAuthRepository {
const FirebaseAuthRepository(this._auth);
final FirebaseAuth _auth;
Future<void> signOut() => _auth.signOut();
Subsequently, we can without much of a stretch mock the dependency in our test and compose assumptions against it:
import 'package:mocktail/mocktail.dart';
class MockFirebaseAuth extends Mock implements FirebaseAuth {}
test('calls signOut', () async {
final mock = MockFirebaseAuth();
when(mock.signOut).thenAnswer((_) => Future.value());
final authRepository = FirebaseAuthRepository(mock);
await authRepository.signOut();
> Singletons are Implicit Dependencies:
Let’s recall the previous example:
class FirebaseAuthRepository {
Future<void> signOut() => FirebaseAuth.instance.signOut();
For this situation, it’s not difficult to see that FirebaseAuthRepository relies upon FirebaseAuth.But when we have classes with a couple of dozen lines of code, it turns out to be a lot harder to detect the singletons.
Then again, dependencies are much more straightforward to see when they are passed as express constructor contentions:
class FirebaseAuthRepository {
const FirebaseAuthRepository(this._auth);
final FirebaseAuth _auth;
Future<void> signOut() => _auth.signOut();
> Lazy Initialization:
Introducing specific objects can be costly:
class Company {
Company._() {
print('when started');
static final instance = Company._();
void main() {
final company = Company.instance;
In the model above, all the weighty handling code runs when we initialize the company variable inside the main()
technique. In such cases, we can utilize late to concede the object initialization until some other time.
void main() {
late final company = Company.instance;
In any case, this approach is error-prone as it’s too simple to even think about forgetting to utilize late.
Note: In Dart, all global variables are lazy-loaded naturally. This implies that they are possibly initialized when they are first utilized. Then again, local variables are initialized when they are proclaimed, except if they are announced as late.
As another option, we can utilize packages, for example, get_it, which makes it simple to enroll a lazy singleton:
class Company {
Company() {
getIt.registerLazySingleton<Company>(() => Company());
final Company = getIt.get<Company>();
What’s more, we can do likewise with Riverpod, since all providers are lazy by defualt:
final companyProvider = Provider<Company>((ref) {
return Company();
final company =;
Thus, the object we want might be made when we first use it.
> Instance Lifecycle:
At the point when we introduce a singleton instance, it will stay alive until the end of time. Furthermore, if the instance consumes a great deal of memory or keeps an open organization association, we can’t deliver it early if we need to.
Then again, packages like get_it and Riverpod give us more command over when a specific occurrence is disposed. Riverpod is very shrewd and allows us effectively to control the lifecycle of the condition of a provider.
For instance, we can utilize the autoDispose modifier to guarantee our Company is disposed of when the last listener is taken out:
final companyProvider = Provider.autoDispose<
Company>((ref) {
This is most valuable when we need to dispose of an object when the widget that was utilizing it is unmounted.
> Thread Safety:
In multi-threaded languages, we should be cautious about getting to singletons across various threads, and some synchronization components might be essential on the off chance that they share mutable information.
But in Dart, this is usually not a concern because all application code inside a Flutter app belongs to the main isolate. Though if we end up creating separate isolates to perform some heavy computations, we need to be more careful:
Yet, in Dart, this is typically not a worry since all application code inside a Flutter application has a place with the main isolate. However, on the off chance that we wind up making separate isolates to play out a few weighty computations, we should be more cautious.
In the article, I have explained Singleton’s basic structure in a flutter; you can modify this code according to your choice. This was a small introduction to Singletons On User Interaction from my side, and it’s working using Flutter.
I hope this blog will provide you with sufficient information on Trying the Singletons in your flutter projects. We will show you what the Singletons are. Singletons make it simple to get to dependencies in your code. Yet, they make a larger number of issues than they settle. Make a demo program for working Singletons in your flutter applications. So please try it.
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