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Pagination using GetX in Flutter

Learn pagination using the getX state management helper in your flutter apps

Hello flutter developer, In this blog, we shall discuss how we can use GetX the package for managing the state of pagination. Pagination is also known as paging, is the process of dividing a document into discrete pages. Today in most of the apps we see this feature. It helps in improving the performance of the app. Through pagination we can reduce the read request to our database, hence it reduces the cost of database maintenance. It is a user-friendly feature, interested users can scroll more and more if they deliberately want to load more data.

In this blog, we shall learn how we can implement pagination using GetX the package. We will build an app that will display a fixed number of items and on scrolling more data will be loaded and displayed on the screen in real-time.

Table of contents:

Introduction to GetX

Installing Getx in Flutter project

Pagination Using GetX

Creating a model class

Creating GetxController

Initialize the required objects

Generating initial list

Creating a method executed every time the scroll limit exceeds its limit

Initializing onInit() method

Initializing HomePageController object

Using GetBuilder

Introduction to GetX:

GetX is a state management helper package.

  • It provides us a powerful and reactive state management technique, route management, and dependency Injection.
  • PRODUCTIVITY, PERFORMANCE, AND ORGANIZATION are the three basic principal of the package.
  • It eliminates the dependency on the widget tree.
  • For routing, GetX does not need the context for navigation.
  • Automatically reduce the memory consumption when the resources are not used by default.
  • GetX uses its own dependency injection feature.
  • Simple syntax.

Installing Getx in Flutter project:

get | Flutter Package
Languages: English (this file), Indonesian, Urdu, Chinese, Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, Polish, Korean…pub. dev

Add Get to your pubspec.yaml file:

get: ^4.1.4

Import get in files that it will be used:

import 'package:get/get.dart';

Pagination Using GetX:

title: 'Flutter Demo',
theme: ThemeData(
visualDensity: VisualDensity.adaptivePlatformDensity,
home: MyHomePage(title: 'Flutter Demo Home Page'),

GetMaterialApp is a widget that is a substitute for MaterialApp. Using this widget is not compulsory if you are using the GetX package only for state management, but if you are using GetX for routing then we need to use GetMaterialApp widget.

What do we want?

We want to build an app that displays a list of items and every time the screen scroll it should automatically add some items to the existing list and update the UI in real-time.

Creating a model class:

We have created a very simple model class that has a name property.

class Model {
String name;


Creating GetxController:

GetxController is a class in which we write all our business logic, variables, and methods used for managing the state of the app screen.

  • It automatically disposes of all the controllers when the screen is popped out of the stack.
  • All the processing logic will be written inside this controller.
  • Like initState() and dispose() method GetX provides us onInit() and onClose() .
  • onReady() is called after the widget is rendered on screen.
  • update() rebuilds the GetBuilder associated with the GetxController. It is similar to notifyListeners() in providers.
  • onInit(): called after the widget is allocated memory.
  • onClose() called just before the controller is deleted from memory.
class HomePageController extends GetxController {

We can create a GetxController by extending the class with GetxController like above.

Initialize the required objects:

We need ScrollController to listen to the scrolling of the screen.

list is a list of Models that will be used to map it with the list of widgets.

class HomePageController extends GetxController {
List<Model> list = [];
ScrollController controller = ScrollController();
int listLength = 6;

Generating initial list:

Here we have generated a list of Model that we will initially display on the screen. List.generate() takes an integer and function with an integer value. It will add Model for each index in the list.

generateList() {
list = List.generate(
listLength, (index) => Model(name: (index + 1).toString()));

Creating a method executed every time the scroll limit exceeds its limit:

This method will be executed every time the scroll limit exceeds its limit.

To measure the scroll limit we use the ScrollController . maxScrollExtent is the number of max pixels and pixels notify when the listener when the pixel changes. controller.position.maxScrollExtent == controller.position.pixels this condition will only return true when the scrolling is max.

addItems() async {
controller.addListener(() {
if (controller.position.maxScrollExtent == controller.position.pixels) {
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
list.add(Model(name: (listLength).toString()));
update(); //update GetBuilder each time

Initializing onInit() method:

This method is called before the widget build.

void onInit() {

Initializing HomePageController object:

Initialize the HomePageController object in the class where you want to implement the pagination.

Get.put() makes the object available to the child of the widgets and using Get.find() we can find the same object in other classes as well.

HomePageController homePageController = Get.put(HomePageController());

Using GetBuilder:

GetBuilder is rebuilt every time the update() the method is called. It takes the init controller. It takes a builder that returns a Widget. The methods and objects can be accessed using the value . We use the ListView.builder to display the list of widgets. Controller of ListView.builder will be the ScrollController .

init: homePageController,
builder: (value) => ListView.builder(
controller: value.controller,
itemCount: value.list.length,
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
return Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
child: Container(
height: 100,
child: Center(
child: Text(value.list[index].name),

You might be thinking that here we do not need the GetBuilder as the method of homePageController can be accessed without it as well, yes it is true but in this case, the UI will not be updated, the 2 Model will be added into the list an object that we have created in the HomePageController using the addItems() method. To change the UI we need to use GitBuilder if we are using get for state management as it is rebuilt every time the update() the method is called.

main. dart:


🌸🌼🌸 Thank you for reading. 🌸🌼🌸

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