Network State Handling like Kotlin Sealed classes | Flutter

In the article, I’ll be showing you how you can manage the state of the network just like kotlin sealed classes.
if you want to know about the kotlin sealed classes check out
Is sealed class also supported in dart?
NO , sealed classes are not supported in dart.
How can we use the same in dart?
Yes, there is an alternative in dart .
You must have heard of provider package in flutter for state management, Remi has done great work, do you know he also has create another package which is freezed
freezed | Dart Package
Welcome to Freezed, yet another code generator for unions/pattern-matching/copy. While there are many code-generators…
Let’s see how can we achieve network state handling just like kotlin sealed classes
Step 1: Install the dependency
freezed: <latest-version>
build_runner: <latest-version>
now run pub get
Step 2: Create a network state class
Before creating the network state class we need to see what states do we need?
We will need Success, Error, Loading, Idle states.
Create a freezed class and define the states, If you see we have created the Result class generic so it can we used for any data. We only want data to in Result.success()
and reason for failure in Result.failure()
Now freezed will generate file , for that you need to specify
part 'result.freezed.dart';
Now run
flutter packages pub run build_runner build
Your generated will look like this
Now we will be using it with streams (Bloc)
Step 3: Create a bloc class
Create a stream controller with the data type you what encapsulated with Result class you have generated.
StreamController<Result<List<Prediction>>> streamController = StreamController<Result<List<Prediction>>>();
Create the method which will do the API handling, initial you will need to add loading into the stream so the UI will begin to load
now hit the API,
try {
Prediction prediction = await appRepository.getPlacesPrediction(search);
//Do something when you get the data
} catch (e) {
// When you get an exception
If you get the result
streamController.sink.add(Result.success(data: prediction.predictionsList));
On error, you will add the
streamController.sink.add(Result.failure(reason: e.toString()));
You can do an error handling on you own to display your own error.
See the bloc class here
Step 4: Update the UI
First, we need to create the bloc instance
PlacePredictionSearchBloc placePredictionSearchBloc = PlacePredictionSearchBloc();
Now use the StreamBuilder
initialData: Result.idle(),
builder: (BuildContext context,
AsyncSnapshot<Result<List<Prediction>>> snapshot) {
return () {
}, loading: () {
}, success: (List<Prediction> value) {
}, failure: (String reason) {
Now you can we can manage the UI according to the network state.
In the initialData parameter, I have provided the Result.Idle
so in the starting whatever we pass in the idle :(){}
will show into UI
Check the code here
Thanks for reading this article
If I got something wrong, Let me know in the comments. I would love to improve.
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