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How Much Does it Cost to Make a Flutter App for Your Business ?

Mobile apps have a prominent position in Today’s Time and age with the ability and power to transform our lives by giving us the much needed flexibility and comfort in our daily lives . With the time their need and demand have Increased at an whopping rate .Google has extended the capability of Flutter beyond mobile by releasing the new flutter 1.17 version & Dart 2.8 simultaneously . Whether you want to shop, Order food or groceries or travel anywhere in the world from one place to another place – Mobile apps have got us all covered Up.

Mobile app developers are building new apps every day, but what if there was a much easier way to do so?

If you are looking for a Cross-Platform app for your business that performs the benefits of Native, go with Flutter. Whether it is a small scale enterprise, mid-level organisations, or a startup, Flutter brings benefits to every business. Flutter can straightaway drop the mobile app development and maintenance expenses up to 60%. Let’s find out how:

Before we jump into talking about the cost of making the app, let’s quickly understand in brief what Flutter is :

What is Flutter?

Flutter is a complete SDK Open-source cross-platform mobile application development framework officially launched in an event by Google in 2018. Flutter is capable of creating apps for two of the largest mobile platforms- Android and iOS from a single codebase.

Flutter has taken the app developer community by storm. There is a wide range of advantages of this framework. Let’s take a look at some of them.

  1. Open Source
  2. Based on a Dart programming language
  3. Customised Widgets
  4. React Native Programming Architecture

Why Chose Flutter Over Others?

If you are looking forward to hiring an app developer, make sure they intend to use Flutter, So that it will make both yours and the developer’s lives easier. The cost of then developing the app will prove to be quite less, as the time to develop will reduce with the use of Flutter. What makes Flutter cost-effective?

  • Faster App Development
  • Reduced Testing Efforts
  • Access to Native Features
  • Excellent User Interface
  • Good for MVP Development

What Does It Cost Develop a Flutter App?

Developing an app can completely vary depending upon a lot of factors, it may cost less sometimes and sometimes more. Similarly, Flutter app development cost also varies depending on a few factors, Those are:

The App Development Complexity

Mobile applications are basically divided into categories starting from low-medium-high complexity. The more complexity, the more time to develop the app hence the cost will increase.

The separation is done on the factors:

  • Deployment Architecture Model
  • Admin Panel Development
  • In-built device’s features
  • Third-Party Integrations.

Categorization of the App

Due to the dynamic market change, there is a rapid shift in mobile app development. Just like complexity, apps with different features and functionalities are quite common. The number of features shift when you move from one app to the other.

Some apps have ‘x’ functionalities while the other may have ‘y’ features. This feature categorization estimates the cost of developing the app.

For Example, a currency converter app costs a lot less than a messaging app.

Application Design

There is a very common saying that ‘The first impression is the last impression’, I think it holds the same ground while developing an app for the user. The more easy and interactive app design will be, the more will be the number of users not being able to resist to use the app frequently. Beautiful designs do not come free of cost.

When it comes to Application design, the cost deciding features may also include:

  • Animations
  • Graphics
  • Design Complexity
  • Interactivity


Backend is just the backbone of your app. Only the frontend is visible to the user, but everything supporting the user action in the app is elusive. Backend controls the server, application security, app data, and data back-ups.

For estimating the cost, considering Backend holds a strong value

Location of Development Company/Agency

it is quite obvious that the cost of development of any mobile application will be more in the US than in some other countries. This is the reason many business owners chose to outsource their overall development process.

For Flutter as well, the development cost will be different for different regions across the Globe.


No matter how great results your app is showing, not updating it from time to time will make it lag behind in the world of apps and the app will lose traction.

The app maintenance necessity makes it an important element for Flutter development services. This may further include app updates, design changes, bug fixes, etc.

Closing Thoughts…

Flutter today is the most loved and widely used product of Google. It came in as a boon to business owners and developers across the globe. Over the years, The abilities of Flutter has managed to change the landscape of the mobile app development process. Various factors like back-end and front-end along with development services, directly affect the development process and cost of the application.

As we discussed above, Flutter is a cost-effective platform that slashes the app cost more than half and brings down the maintenance expenses by 20%

Hence, it stands as one of the best innovations by Google to the realm of App Development.

At FlutterDevs, We have been working on the Flutter since its Alpha version which has definitely given us an edge over the others as we’ve been fondling with flutter from the very beginning. We have adopted a design first attitude which has always led to delivering the highest quality mobile applications. FlutterDevs believes in giving back to the tech community that’s why we have been adding:

  • 90+ Open Source Contribution on GitHub
  • 100 + Technical Blogs on Medium
  • Brainstorming every day with a strong 16k+ LinkedIn Followers
  • Regular meetups around the cities to learn and grow as a community.
  • FlutterDevs Startup Incubator Programme is a platform being Initiated by FlutterDevs to avail a platform for newly emerging startups keeping in mind the factors needed for the proper functioning of a young emerging Business availing all the facilities under a single roof.

Get more Insights about the program:-

FlutterDevs at a Glance!

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FlutterDevs team of Flutter developers to build high-quality and functionally-rich apps. Hire flutter developer for your cross-platform Flutter mobile app project on an hourly or full-time basis as per your requirement! You can connect with us on Facebook, GitHub, Twitter, and linkedIn for any flutter related queries.

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